This is my short reading note for the book “The Profitable Artist: A Handbook for All Artists in the Performing, Literary, and Visual Arts” by New York Foundation for the Arts.
I think this book is helpful if you are a new artist at the beginning of your career, especially if you‘re interested in applying scientific methods from tech startups in the field of creativity and arts.
Actionable takeaways
- Art projects also require a sustainable strategy, of course not a pure pursuit of commercialization, but also we need a plan, a goal, and a vision like a startup, to achieve the real achievement we want.
- So many aspects are included in an art project. As an artist, we are starting our own startup companies, so it is quite reasonable to apply business knowledge inside.
- art creativity + continues study + entrepreneurial training → a structured framework or information → launch and maintain profitability, stability, and/or sustainability Art Projects
- For an artist, write down mission + vision → then set goals and benchmark → then make plans to reach them
- analysis and research on the market/audience/art products, using SWOT, SMART model, BMC, Lean Methodology, etc.
- gain knowledge on LEGAL ISSUES, Contracts, and Finance parts to avoid rare but difficult situations
- gain knowledge of Marketing and Fundraising can help you grow